Should You Repaint Your Cabinets Or Replace Them?

Should you repaint your cabinets? Or should you replace them? Which is best? Which is the cheapest?

Deciding whether you should repaint or replace your cabinets really comes down to how much you’re willing to spend and what you want your cabinets to look like.

Today, Rim Homes is here to help you make the best move for your kitchen makeover. Keep reading to find out if you should repaint or replace your kitchen cabinets.

Is It Better To Repaint Or Replace Kitchen Cabinets?

Repainting your kitchen cabinets is usually all you need to do to totally refresh your kitchen while staying under budget. Plus, it’s a simple project which makes your kitchen makeover less stressful.

However, if your cabinets are falling apart or have damage beyond repair, you’ll have to replace them. Or, if you want something completely different because your current cabinets are preventing your kitchen’s much-needed update, then replacing your cabinets is best.

If you’re thinking that brand-new cabinets can make you more money when selling, you may be wrong. Repainting and replacing your cabinets can both increase your home’s value. However, changing things too much can hurt you more than help you, while painting can offer the same increase with a much larger return on your investment.

Is It Cheaper To Repaint Or Replace Cabinets?

It is much cheaper to repaint your cabinets than it is to replace them. Getting brand new cabinets can cost you up to $15,000, or even more for custom cabinets.

Repainting your cabinets, however, costs a fraction of that.

Pros And Cons Of Repainting Your Kitching Cabinets

Let’s weigh the pros and cons of repainting your kitchen cabinets.


  • Repainting is way more budget-friendly, whether professionally done or DIY

  • Since all you have to choose is a new color, repainting is much less taxing

  • Repainting your cabinets can increase your home’s value


  • Repainting involves much more work unless you hire a pro

Pros And Cons Of Replacing Your Kitchen Cabinets 

Now, see the pros and cons of replacing your kitchen cabinets with brand-new ones. 


  • Replacing gives you the option to get whatever style of cabinets you want

  • Getting new cabinets allows you to change everything about your kitchen

  • Increases your home’s value


  • Replacing your cabinets is extremely expensive and can cut into the budget for other kitchen updates

  • Your new cabinets may not be as high-quality as your current ones unless you get custom cabinets and choose the materials

  • Ordering and installing new cabinets takes way longer than a new paint job

So, Should You Repaint Your Cabinets Or Replace Them?

Again, this decision comes down to what you really want out of your kitchen. If you’re looking for something a little more retro than your modern cabinets, it’s safe to say you should replace them.

However, don’t be fooled by the gimmick of shiny-new cabinets. Repainting your kitchen cabinets creates a brilliant change in your kitchen, and the best part is the savings.

If repainting sounds like the best option for you, count on Rim Homes to make it happen! Contact us today to learn more. 


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